Installing OctoPi-TFT using the OctoPi Image

This tutorial uses vi to edit files this can be replaced with nano or some other text editor.


Step 1: Connect the PiTFT to the Pi

You can connect the PiTFT before you start any of the other steps.

Step 2: Install and Configure OctoPrint

Follow the instructions form the OctoPrint website

Step 3: Install Raspbian Desktop

sudo /home/pi/scripts/install-desktop

sudo reboot

Step 4: Install Dependencies

sudo apt-get install xinit
sudo apt-get install x11-xserver-utils
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evdev

Step 5: Move 40-libinput.conf

sudo mv /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/40-libinput.conf ~/

Step 6: Install PiTFT Drivers

Use the Easy Install method that Adafruit supplies

We’ve created a custom kernel package based of off Notro’s awesome framebuffer work, so you can install it over your existing Raspbian (or derivative) images in just a few commands. Our tutorial shows you how to install the software, as well as calibrate the touchscreen, display images such as from your PiCam and more!

cd ~
chmod +x
sudo ./
  • For the 3.5″ PiTFT select #4
  • If you want the HDMI port on top like I do select #3
  • Would you like the console to appear on the PiTFT display? No
  • Would you like the HDMI display to mirror to the PiTFT display? Yes

Step 7: Uninstall Lightdm window manager

sudo dpkg -r --force-depends lightdm

Step 8: Install OctoPi-TFT

cd ~
sudo dpkg -i octoprint-tft_stretch_1.1.git91fa718-1_armhf.deb

Step 9: Edit OctoPi-TFT Configuration File

Edit you configuration file.

sudo vi /etc/octoprint-tft-environment

This is what mine looks like. You will need to change the OCTOPRINT_APIKEY to match yours. It can be found on the settings page in OctoPrint. I also removed the comments from here so it is easier to read.






Step 10: Reboot & Test

sudo reboot

Step 11: Check /boot/config.txt

You can disregard this step if everything is working as expected. My display resolution wasn’t correct so I had to change the last line of the /boot/config.txt file from hdmi_cvt=720 480 60 1 0 0 0 to hdmi_cvt=480 320 60 1 0 0 0.

sudo vi /boot/config.txt
sudo reboot


I used these resources to put together this tutorial.

Ender 3 – 3D Printer & OctoPrint


I recently purchased a Creality Ender 3 3D printer. I bought this for several reasons:

  1. It is very affordable at $229 on Amazon.
  2. It had a lot of good reviews
  3. Is the Most Popular 3D Printer of Spring 2019
  4. There are lots of upgrades/mods for this printer
    1. 35 Must-Have Creality Ender 3 (Pro) Upgrades & Mods in 2019.


My interest was peaked when I saw the Raspberry Pi upgrade option under the possible upgrades/mods you could do to the Ender 3.

Let’s face it, we can’t be around to supervise our 3D printer 100 percent of the time. That’s why OctoPrint has become the standard for makers who want to monitor and control their 3D printer remotely. To run this terrific web interface, you need to purchase a Raspberry Pi board.

OctoPrint will allow you to control and observe your Creality Ender 3 from within a web browser. It’s 100 percent open source, which has led to a plethora of unique plugins created by the vast community. On the browser, you can watch prints through an embedded webcam feed, control print temperatures, obtain feedback on current print status, and even start and pause your printer no matter where you are.

35 Must-Have Creality Ender 3 (Pro) Upgrades & Mods in 2019.

I had an extra Raspberry Pi laying around and decided to give it a shot. The software that runs on the Pi is called OctoPrint. Installation and configuration is very straight forward and there are lots of help documents and tutorial videos. I am not going to get into any of the setup in this post, but below is the video that I found most helpful.

How to Install Octoprint on a Creality Ender 3

First Print with OctoPrint

I am currently using a simple USB webcam for the OctoPi. I want to upgrade it to use a mounted Raspberry Pi camera so that it follows the printer head. The video below is a time lapse that was captured using OctoPrint of the mount and case for the Pi camera being 3D printed.

Video 3D print of camera holder for Pi Camera and ender